This to Shall Pass

Wow ...crazy times to say the least.  There is a lot of bad stuff out there in this world right now and it's easy to get down, but I am seeing a lot of good happening down in our area of the world and we are trying to concentrate on that part of the story.

People are out exercising and walking, running, riding bikes around the neighborhoods and towns.  Gyms are off limits and I can't think of a bigger petri dish of bacteria in the world so that's okay by me.  People are conscious of their health, the food they eat and that life is short.   Of course I say this with a craft beer in my hand ready to fry up the fish the kids caught yesterday on the boat, so there's that.   And yes, I might even get on the exercise train before this whole thing is all over. 

Thing is, I think folks have realized we can do without a lot of the luxuries we have grown accustomed to over the years.  Down here along the Gulf, we see hurricanes every year and have learned to live without electricity, internet, phones, etc. for several weeks  It's a tough way to reset our complicated and busy lives, but we are humbled and reminded how quickly the world can change  We think we are in control, but we are not.  I think God has a way of taking away the "things" we thought were important to us, and replacing them with what is important to Him.  Personally, this is a tough lesson I still haven't learned but He keeps trying.

It seems families are now sharing meals together again like when we were growing up.  Breakfast, lunch on Sundays, and dinner around 6:30 every night.  Back then we talked about our day, joked and of course arguments were had.  I think in this hectic world we have begun to neglect the things that are most important.   Maybe, just maybe, when the economy comes back and job security isn't on the forefront of everyone's mind we will still, as a society, stop and slow down.

Right now the internet is getting bogged down with everyone trying to be productive and stay in business until this passes...and it will pass. The immediate gratification we have all become accustomed to, especially the younger generation, is gone away, but we will relearn patience and take things in stride.  In college, Margaret and I used to write letters to one another.   Letter with pen, paper and a stamp!  Crazy!   

People are coming together for the greater cause.  Watching the videos of the quarantined condo/apartment dwellers all over the world, coming out on their verandas/balconies and singing together at sunsets and marking the end of another day gives me goose bumps.   Each morning Margaret wakes up to take a picture of the sunrise and sends it to several different groups of friends she has in text threads to remind them that this too will pass.  Solidarity!  I remember after 9/11 we saw this for several months, only to fall back in our selfish ways of the world prior to that horrific event.  Churches were packed with prayerful people returning to their faith that had taken a backseat to there idealistic lifestyles.  We can't pack the churches now and it's good to see how folks are jonesing to go back to the pews, back to work, back to their friend's back porch.   That's the thing with us Southerners, we can handle no electricity after hurricanes if we can go be with our friends.

So just remember this will pass and we will be better for it.  Families are coming together, faith in God is being renewed, businesses are helping one another as best they can.  I believe in the American entrepenurereal spirit.  Even though some businesses may not make it thru this tough time, I have faith they will rebuild.  Our country and the world will look different when this is all over, but with some tough love, we will be a much better planet on the the other side.  Keep the faith.








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